My "roots"
I was so lucky to grow up in a family that was fond of music. From my childhood the sound of ha-fa-bra music was familiar with me and real soon the local brass band gave me a cornet on loan. For many years I played that instrument, among others with brassband De Bazuin Oenkerk and De Wâldsang, at that time conducted by Tjeerd Brouwer (a ‘brass legend’ in the Netherlands). It was that same person who stimulated me to become a professional musician and who taught me the fundamentals of conducting. After my education as a schoolteacher, I therefore visited the Muziek Pedagogische Academie (Academy of Music) at Leeuwarden, where I qualified myself for conducting and arranging.
Conductor and music-master
“Conducting is more than marking the time”. This is also the title of the text-book that I put together for (young) conductors who want to fit themselves further. Every single aspect of conducting is interesting and challenging to me and therefore again and again enthusing. And that is what I’m trying to propagate during my teaching and workshops.
From 1986 till 2021 I conducted brassband De Bazuin Oenkerk. It was great to work with his band. Every year, at home and abroad, we have wonderful concerts and successful championships, thanks to the dedication of the band members.
Van 1986 tot 2021 ben ik dirigent geweest van brassband De Bazuin Oenkerk. Het was geweldig om met deze band te werken. De inzet van de bandleden is groot, wat niet alleen heeft geresulteerd in fantastische concerten in binnen- en buitenland, maar ook tot klinkende concoursresultaten. Tevens ben ik, ook al weer geruime tijd, dirigent van harmonieorkest Crescendo te Drachten.
In my opinion it is a huge misunderstanding that only that conductor is up to his task who conducts a band in the top-division and scores a success. For, each band, regardless its level, that acts on its maximum, has a top-conductor.
Listening to music or making music is a fine hobby. As a music-master I therefore stimulate my pupils in their musical voyage of discovery.
Arranger, sound-director and adjudicator
In the early years of my ‘musical career’ I performed in various groups and orchestras. It appeared that not every piece of music, selected by the conductor, was suitable for the strength of that particular band. Real soon I was asked to arrange that music to make it suitable. In this way the foundation was laid for my main-profession: arranging.
Besides the arranging in commission, I’m always trying to make time for my own repertoire. Film music and musicals have my preference. Some examples are “Chorale”, “Dec. 7th” (Pearls Harbor) and “Gladiator”. You can also click the button “Arrangements” on this site for more titles.
The last few years I am also active as a sound-director, either for CD- or radio-recordings, and as an adjudicator at championships or festivals at home and abroad. With musical greetings,
Klaas van der Woude